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Multiple Computers - How it Works

Administrator Functions

The administrator’s responsibilities are to manage both the respondent (the person taking the assessment) and the session managers (the employee who is administering the assessment to the respondent). The workspace contains icons that initiate all the functions.

multiple computer configuration
Manage Respondents (Add New Respondent and View Respondent List)

The administrator is responsible for choosing who should take the MIDSA and what parts of the assessment (All, Basic Inventory, Developmental History, Social-Antisocial History, Reassess Attitudes) she or he should take.

Manage Session Managers (Add New Session Manager and View Session Manager List)

The administrator decides who may give assessments and keeps all authorization information about all session managers in the administrator MIDSA.

Give Assessment in Administrator Computer (Begin Assessment and Resume Assessment)

The administrator may give the assessment in the administrator MIDSA (Begin Assessment, Resume Assessment) or have one or more Session Managers give the assessment on session computers.The administrator decides who may give assessments and keeps all authorization information about all session managers in the administrator MIDSA.

Exchange Files with Session Managers to Give Assessments in Session Computers

Create File to Send to Session Manager (Export Authorization file): Once an administrator has created at least one session manager and one respondent, she or he creates an authorization file that can be emailed to the Session Manager.

Import File Sent by Session Manager (Import Completed Assessments): When the assessment is complete, the session manager will send a Completed Assessments file via email or cloud transfer.It needs to be imported into the administrator's MIDSA.

Request Reports

The administrators requests reports for all completed assessments. She or he is responsible for payment for reports.

~ Troubleshooting for Administrators ~
~ Troubleshooting for Giving Assessments ~